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When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Get trained as a missionary in Mazatlan, Mexico.

What is a Discipleship Training School?

Discipleship Training School (DTS) is an intensive 6-month discipleship program designed to equip you to Know God and Make God Known.

Start by building a strong relationship with Jesus Christ, get trained to share the gospel in any context, then be sent out to the nations to be part of fulfilling the Great Commission.

Know God

Bible Studying Writing

3-Month Lecture Phase

  • Attend daily classes focused on learning who God is and who He's created you to be
  • Discover God's heart for the nations and find your calling to influence society
  • Live in a thriving community made up of nations all over the world
  • Experience the radiant city of Mazatlan full of cultural beauty and delicious food
  • Get hands-on experience from our local ministries

Make God Known


3-Month Outreach Phase

  • Get sent to the nations to spread the love of Jesus Christ
  • Preach the gospel, feed the poor, heal the sick, and share your testimony
  • Immediately put into practice what you learned in the "Lecture Phase"
  • Travel with your fellow students and staff that have become like family
  • Be pushed outside of your comfort zone as you hear and obey God's voice

Why do a Discipleship Training School?

Interested? Request more information below:

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But don't just take our word for it!

“During my DTS my relationship with God grew in amazing ways. He showed me His love as a father as well as a King. I also found my identity in Christ, which is a much richer identity than I could have hoped to find anywhere else."

Gideon testimony picture

Gideon, USA, DTS alumni

“I have absolutely no regrets about doing a DTS. It's where God began to reveal Himself to me. It’s way cooler than any university degree could have been. I have no idea what the future holds for me, but I know that if I am living in God's will, then it's going to be awesome!

Hannah DTS alumni profile photo from YWAM Mazatlan, Mexico

Hannah, Australia, DTS alumni